Monday, June 28, 2010


This is an excellent lunch or dinner recipe that one of our authors has made many times over the years and it is always a hit. Try it out and let us know what you think. Try substituting Splenda for the sugar and see how it comes out.

6 c. shredded cabbage
3 green onions, chopped
2 to 3 c. shredded chicken
2 tbsp. sugar
1/3 c. salad oil
1/4 c. rice vinegar
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 pkg. Top Ramen noodles
1/3 c. sliced almonds
3 tbsp. sesame seeds
Combine cabbage, green onions, and chicken in one bowl. In another bowl mix sugar, vinegar, pepper and oil; mix with packet from Top Ramen. Pour over salad. Crumble noodle and nuts, add just before serving. Sesame seeds optional.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Awesome workout with great friends!

Today my friends and I completed the first workout DVD in the Insanity Series by Shaun T. We were sweating and breathing hard, partially due to the fact that it is 110 degrees outside, but also because this is a seriously "insane" cardio workout. We consumed many cups of water and had to take an extended break between the 2nd and 3rd circuit due to the high intensity of the workout. I frequently find my heart rate exceeding the 150's during the Insanity workouts, but with the built in 30 second rest periods after each circuit, my heart rate quickly lowers for a recovery period. Thank goodness!
I really enjoy this workout series because it films real people showing authentic fatigue, taking rest breaks when needed. Not everyone is a machine, thank goodness. For my own personal workouts I like to trade off between the Insanity and Jillian Michael DVD's. I have seen good results from both, although Insanity really pushes the cardio envelope by using your own body weight and strength.

Beginning the Change

Today I am beginning a more concerted effort towards a lifestyle change, both physical and mental, for myself and my family.  This is coming about because I want to challenge myself and others to change our eating and exercise habits in order to better our lives. It is discouraging to see children and adults who will not stand up for themselves and just say no to the chemical cheeseburger and processed chicken nuggets. If people would just take a look at the ingredients in the foods they consume, they would see the many chemicals they are putting "voluntarily" into their bodies!
My eyes were first opened 8 years ago when I took a class at my church called Prism. This program taught the importance of eating only whole foods that come directly from farms, no processed foods, nothing bleached, and no foods with any type of sugar closer than the fifth ingredient, and absolutely no corn syrup or modified sugars. Really I was taught to read food labels. Wow! What a concept! It forever changed our eating habits and the foods we purchased.
After watching many documentaries, including Super Size Me and Food, Inc., I found that big corporations, with the cooperation of big government, chemically alter foods for increased production, sustainability, and ultimately more money at the expense of our health. The health of our children comes down to the bottom line on a corporations profit and loss statement unless we vote for change by our purchases at restaurants and grocery stores. To quote a guru of mine, Jillian Michaels, we are now eating "Frankenfood", chemically altered food that affects our metabilism, causes cancers, and obesity.  
I will have many more topics to share in future posts, but for now I want to leave you with the philosophy of this blog: to eat wholesome, healthy food, exercise for both enjoyment and health, and encourage those around you to do the same.
Healthy recipes will be added to this blog for anyone to try in order to eat better and improve their health. There will also be an ongoing work out log to keep us all accountable. Good luck to a healthier lifestyle!